Block One Announcement — TLDR; “Voice” Crypto Social Network
Today was the huge announcement from Block One about their plans, also celebrating their one year anniversary.
I’ve compiled some highlights for you, a tldr, if you will.
You can watch the entire keynote here:
Big Year Update
EOS is now the most active, most scalable blockchain in history.
EOS comprises 60% of all blockchain transactions in the world.
48% of all daily active blockchain users across the world are coming from the EOS blockchain.
EOS on Coinbase Earn
- an EOS specific education program on Coinbase Earn
- VP engineering Coinbase and creator of AWS Lambda
- Bilaji CTO of Coinbase and creator of speech about
- available to over 150,000 users are participating in Earn in over 100 different countries
EOS token is available site wide on Coinbase
- Coinbase Pro
- Available for all users as of today
- EOS coming to Coinbase Custody in coming weeks
Coinbase tech and legal team have done endless hours and audits on EOSIO software, tokens and scalability.
eosio 2
- EOSVM is introduced
- web assembly engine for blockchain
- EOSVM WASM execution up to 12x faster, will make executing smart contracts faster
An eosio specific Yubico key was introduced.
Allows you to tie a specific account and key to a site or service, much safety.
A story of how we got here by Brendan, leading up to the big reveal.
Voice — a crypto social network on EOS blockchain
- uses EOS blockchain
- Voice Token
“fairest token ever in the world.” — Dan Larimer
“Created by real people, producing real content and liked by real people.”
- multistep authentication process
- designed to prevent abuse
- share content
- upvote and “voice” (promote) your posts to other users
A look at the ui, pretty sexy.
posts include
- images
- video
- web links
- twitter shares (trolling twitter i guess)
- supports long form content (kinda like a blog) or short like a tweet
- when people get likes they ear Voice Tokens
- more you get liked the more you get shown
Uses of Voice Token
- can promote your content to more people
- can increase the visibility of posts and comments on posts “voice it”
- can move a comment up to the top of the discussion
- increasing visibility of the comment will also increase visibility of the post that was commented on
- reduces need for followers (imagine all the follower spam out there on insta, etc)
- many more plans to use voice tokens in the future
Everybody who signs up for voice will get a free account on EOS.
Voice can be used to login to other crypto sites (think facebook social login), a detail that people likely missed, but should be HUGE.
You can sign up at