Fake Tickets or How to Never Get a Parking Ticket Again

kurt braget
3 min readMar 15, 2017


I had this idea in my dream on how to completely eliminate parking tickets forever. I guess this problem has been bothering me subconsciously, and my brain got so pissed it finally came up with a solution. All those infuriating times of finding those ugly looking red tickets, ruining my day….

Here is a transcript of me presenting the idea to my team.

Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer and I don’t know if this is illegal or not. By reading this you agree to indemnifying me of any trouble you get into. Yay!

How to build the fake ticket company…

First start with a name, let’s call it Acme Ticketing Company.

  1. Create fake ticket envelopes.

They should look exactly like the tickets that they create in your town. I live in LA, they look like this:

2. Create a fake ticket:

The fake ticket is the most fun part. This is where you let the person who thinks they just got the ticket know how truly lucky they are, and how you saved their ass. This is a great opportunity to ask for a trivial donation, like $5 to keep the wonderful service alive.

Here is an example ticket that you will need to create and print out. It should look like this just for fun but not a requirement:

notice the palm trees in the back, must be a Los Angeles parking ticket

Here is some text you could write on the ticket:


We are Acme Ticket Company. We put fake tickets on your car to trick the police into thinking you already have a ticket. Yes, you don’t have to pay the city for making a stupid little mistake. Again, you’re welcome. If you really love us please send some bitcoin to this bitcoin address: 1PK6bQMCcqzLqVit3xe4zPcbAhuhgBsXtJ

For more information, check out acmeticketcompany.com

3. Place the ticket on cars with expired meters

Find cars in your neighborhood who have overstayed their welcome on their parking meters and place the fake tickets in the same place the cops do.

3.5. Scenario: A police officer finds the car has overstayed it’s welcome, but sees the ticket tucked into the windshield wiper already. He pats himself (or the ticket cop before him) on the back, job well done. He already ticketed this loser so moves along and does nothing (maybe, I’m not sure).

4. Make somebody’s day

When the delinquent parker returns, they will be totally pissed that they got a ticket.

But wait, they didn’t actually get a ticket! YAY! See you later, sorry ass parking cop, go bully somebody else!

Let me know your thoughts, and if you try it, let me know how it goes!


Kurt Braget, CEO Acme Ticketing Company



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