White Rabbit — ICO Discovery Beta App Release
The Problem
Discovering and finding great ICOs is extremely difficult. There are all these scammy dudes trying to sell you total shit, some of it is straight up snake oil.
The Solution
White Rabbit has the mission of trying to make the process of seeking out great ICOs more convenient for people. We also want to make it easier for ICOs to get the right info to the right investors.
We aim to do this by providing simple design, commenting by the community, and social signaling using the favorites feature (you can read more about this and other features below).
Today is our official beta launch of White Rabbit. We are also throwing a crazy party that has magicians, bunny rabbits, ICO pitches, and all kinds of other shit that’s probably a recipe for disaster. It would be cool if you could come!
Introducing White Rabbit — ICO Discovery App Beta
We all love crypto, sci-fi, and fantasy, so we felt like a nice throw back to Alice in Wonderland, early tech 8-bit graphics, and following the White Rabbit from The Matrix. This is the best way to explain the adventure of going down the crypto currency Rabbit Hole.
ICO Search
Quickly search out the ICO you hear being name dropped at your next YCombinator dinner or crypto event, and favorite it, so you know when to buy.
See all the ICOs that are going to start presales soon, or starting public sales. We have access to presales even your lambo bros might not have, so it’s good to check in frequently to get in early.
Ending Soon
Ending is all about FOMO. If it’s ending today or ending soon, you can snatch it up before it hits exchanges or a lower discount.
Your Favorites
Favorite an ICO great way to pin and watch ones you want to buy in the future
These are the ones that the entire community have favorited, in order or most favorited and upcoming.
Commenting / Analysis
On our website, you can already comment and read analysis posted by other people. This will likely be ready on mobile soon.
Notifications in the app will tell you when the ICOs come out, and we are improving the way we notify you about ones you favorite.
<I’ll add a screenshot next time I see a notification.>
We wanted White Rabbit to be available everywhere, and knowing how addicted crypto bros are, we wanted to span all platforms. We have Web, iOS, Android and Telegram, also an extensive notification network and email lists.
You can find most of White Rabbit’s features on the web at https://www.whiterabbiticos.com. Lots of great ICOs here, updated daily.
If you’re kind of psycho for crypto like me, you might want to keep the ICOs in your pocket and our mobile app is perfect for that. The ICOs are updated by the minute, every day, 24/7. You can download this here: link
For poor people, crypto hacker basement bros, or people who are just straight up iPhone haters (I also have Android :P), you have your very own Android version of the White Rabbit app. Check it out here: link
Our White Rabbit Telegram group is where you can chat with ICO enthusiasts, our White Rabbit team, and every now and then some scammer who joins to promote their bs before we delete their shit and kick them out.
Co-written by Ben Sigman < — —
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Contact hello@whiterabbiticos.com
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Contact hello@whiterabbiticos.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhiteRabbitICOs
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whiterabbiticos/
Telegram: https://t.me/whiterabbiticos
Contact hello@whiterabbiticos.com