Why Extra Terrestrials Are Not Organisms

kurt braget
7 min readSep 3, 2016


“We are not alone.”

Nobody really thinks twice when hearing this. This saying has mended into its very fabric that the benefit of finding other life forms means we can be freed from our loneliness.

The saying isn’t “We are not unique”, which could easily be another conclusion. No, that’s not what we say.

Our search for life outside our planet is mostly driven by loneliness mixed with curiosity.

Recently there is a ton of speculation and intrigue around the search for ET. No doubt SETI is fueling it, along with other groups like Russians who found some “mysterious” radio signals recently.

Where does the “little green men” intrigue come from?

My best guess is that the problems of staying alive are decreasing, and there is a surge in the search for ET based on newfound confidence in our tools.

Entrepreneurs are starting to have a larger impact on industries where the government monopolized before, then proceeded to move at a snail’s pace. Elon Musk, SpaceX, and rocket ships are a great example of this.

The problem with our tools is that they are all as fake and useless as tools like EMF readers that are bogus devices meant to help you find nonexistent ghosts.

In the search for ET there are many entrepreneurs / rich dudes coming on the scene trying to take a crack at this issue of solving intergalactic loneliness. For example, Far Reach / SETI just got a 100 million dollar injection. My guess is the dudes get tired of driving around in Porsches and going to boring cocktails parties with supermodels, and want to grab onto a higher level of elite existence, a bigger accomplishment.

Since curing cancer is either boring or deemed impossible, the next best thing may be to slap your John Hancock on the discovery of ET.

All of this is commendable even if I make it sound like an ego-driven pursuit to make a name for yourself rooted in humanity's insecurity and disbelief that we are alone.

So what is the problem then?

The problem with this pursuit is that we are probably very wrong about what an ET is.

What I want to propose is critical thinking that points to ETs not being organisms at all.

It’s very easy to arrive at this kind of assumption (that ETs are not organic materials) and I’m going to play through some of this logic in a down-to-Earth way.

Where do we start? With humans.

Humans are basically cyborgs. A cyborg is part man part machine. Part man, part computer. In a matter of about 10 years, from the invention of the iPhone, about half the world’s population have come to hold these little computers every single day, placing experiences inside of them, their thoughts, memories, relationships, and interactions into them. This has only taken about 10 years to achieve, which on the intergalactic clock is the twinkling of an eye. We are desperately trying to jump inside of these devices and leave our bodies behind with the fervor of The Lawnmower Man. From angsty teen girl to seasoned science douchebag, we are all going Neo.

So if humans can become cyborgs in one tick of the intergalactic clock, what could have happened to other intelligent beings? Keep in mind that these life forms may even be billions of years “ahead” of humans. It isn’t hard to imagine that they may have jumped into these kinds of virtual worlds super deeply by now. They probably figured out what the universe really is, its purpose, meaning, and perhaps origin, size, and total history.


All life forms we know of seem to have DNA. We have to take a big leap of faith here and assume other life forms that can evolve might have had something like DNA that allows their offspring to evolve. At least they would have at the start, assuming they came about in a similar way as us. Their DNA may be very different from ours but the overall function is the same, to provide instruction for building new organisms.

Humans are just on the brink of cracking the DNA code. We are already manipulating it and unraveling its meaning. If we keep cruising along with our hypothesis that ETs could be more advanced than humans, then they would have likely already completely figured out DNA and moved along to other shit we aren’t even aware of. DNA would have long become obsolete because it could be controlled and manipulated, totally understood, and deconstructed.

Why would DNA become obsolete? It’s really basic, DNA is really for building the hardware of a body. ETs would have re-engineered DNA into a kind of software, and reproduction would then be obsolete since the current “organism” would be eternal and self-evolving, sorta like how your operating system doesn’t have to have a baby to upgrade.

The majority of the function of DNA information is about building things like bones and meat which would be obsolete to intelligent beings.

Don’t forget we have things like fingers and bones and meat only because we are products of our crude environments and descended from organisms of lower intelligence. Our fingers for example are a great example of how dumb and primitive we once were. We used these to scrape out little bugs from the bark in trees (to eat) and to strangle other people who were trying to steal our ladies. There weren’t any KFCs back then. Now we can just cruise down to Whole Foods in an Uber to get our food, and we can find another lady on Tinder after the current one starts to bring even a glimmer of drama. Beats the fuck out of scraping bugs out of tree bark and fighting other dudes to the death over a woman right? Let me answer for you: yeah.

So where are we now? We have arrived at an organism that has undergone a massive makeover, this hypothetical ET. They are no longer cyborgs because their organic matter has been obsoleted, they are “all in”. The meat and bone were only needed as a vehicle to get the consciousness to a certain point, a point where it would transcend physical form. Thanks for the ride, bro. The DNA is obsoleted because they don’t need a physical form. Things like eating or even survival may have come to pass long ago. The function of their thinking which may have been about survival, entertainment, and pleasure may have changed millions of years ago into some thirst for other knowledge or some completely new thing to desire that is hard for a physical being to fathom.

These “life forms” would have long ago become some form of data intelligence bound to something that wouldn’t resemble an organism but more of a medium for a data-based consciousness. There may be massive networks of this kind of consciousness throughout the universe or all contained in the size of an atom. These beings are kind of like Gods if you think about it, although I’m an atheist and don’t really believe in Gods. They would be like real Gods.

So let’s get back to reality now. We have all these scientists that are looking for “intelligent life forms”. In our little thought experiment it was so easy to see that advanced beings have no reason to be organic material. So this is the first mistake of these four-eyed seekers of intergalactic Kumbaya.

Another glaring mistake made by “scientists” is that these beings might communicate at all. This is the sweet and innocent mistake of thinking like a human. “Humans communicate so other things must communicate too.” Awww, so cute. But that may not be true for these beings at all.

Communication seems like the kind of things organic beings do for survival, probably not a concern for data-based intelligence. If they did communicate at all, assuming they’d use an antiquated system like radio is comical. This is the kind of joke that’s funny to me. It’s like a bucktooth redneck expecting Miss Universe to sit down and spit tobacco and play the banjo with him. You don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for him.

Another huge mistake is assuming these beings would still be stuck on planets orbiting around stars. This is probably the most pathetic assumption considering even ape-like humans have built rocket ships that can take them off the Earth.

Travel is another thing that makes sense for lower forms of life, like humans.

ETs, on the other hand, are likely living in something similar to Inception or the Matrix, a virtual world not bound to the one we think we are living in. The universe and matter may just be some lost relic or something they are not even aware of. Even wilder, is that they may have not been aware of the universe for over a billion years.

So imagining an ET’s “reality”, is an impossibility.

With our new way of thinking, all of our efforts, including SETI’s, seem like futile, ignorant searches. This search is even more pathetic than the search for God. It is a kind of religion, that isn’t scrutinized hard enough because it associates with the great history of science and the scientific method. We stand on the shoulders of giants so how could we be so myopic?

With our new way of thinking, we can see that SETI’s search is just as boring as NASA’s (finding organisms on closer planets). The reality is, if there are life forms still stuck on planets, we’d be lucky enough to find something like a bacteria. It’ll definitely be a massive day in history but it doesn’t solve the initial problem of “are we alone?”. If little bacteria made us feel less alone then we’d all be chilling in laboratories gawking through microscopes. We may as well be crawling under houses looking for cockroaches to speak with in Morse code, we’d have more luck.

With our new way of thinking, we can direct our attention and massive piles of cash away from planets and old school radio waves. We might start to try to figure out what kind of media an intelligence might project itself on, and what kind of motives “they” could have. We might be able to more clearly understand whether communication is relevant to them and how they might do it. We may stop blindly assuming that they would use technology for communication that humans on earth created over 100 years ago.

We might also be able to answer an even greater question about our own humanity and learn from these advanced beings.

For example, do we, like them, want to cease to be organisms?

And if our fate is the same as these ETs, do we want to also cease to be human?



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